Stop animal abuse!

I had to write this post as I experienced something that made me feel so angry and upset.

I have another big passion in life apart from fashion, and that is animals. I love animals. All kind of animals (apart from spiders). I'm the crazy cat lady type who treat her animals like children and make silly voices when she talks to them. Unfortunately I don't have any pets now, which is a big sorrow in my life. But I have had a dog, cats, hamsters, rats and even a pet gekko.

Back to what this post is about. Animal abuse.

I was out with Mike yesterday, Sunday. We had stopped at a petrol station and Mike had gone in to pay. I heard a dog barking very loud and like it was in pain, so I looked in the mirror and saw two children standing there with a little dog. One boy and one girl. The boy who was around 12 was trying to go into the shop, but everytime he left the dog started barking and the girl got problems controlling the dog. The boy started slapping the dog several times over its face when it barked and the little girl(around 8) tried to pet the dog so he would be quiet. This happened again and the boy came out from the shop again, this time to use the lead to hit the dog. The dog barked out in pain and the boy hit him again. I got so angry that I ran out of the car and over to them and asked them what they thought they were doing. They did not say a single word, so I said to them that they couldn't beat the dog and that is was not allowed to do so. They still did not say anything so I said to them, if you are trying to calm the dog down, rather try to sit down with the dog and cuddle it to make it feel safer when someone leaves. Still nothing said. I went back to the car, but waited outside it. The dog started barking again and the boy came out again, this time showing the dog his index finger say "shhh". As Mike came out of the shop, the boy came out of the shop too and they walked off.

When I came in the car I said to Mike that I should have done more cause I'm sure that this dog doesn't have a good home, cause I'm thinking that the children must learn it from someone. You just don't hit a dog like that do you?

I have been thinking about this incident all night and it pains me to know that this little dog was facing abuse and so many other animals are under constant threat in their homes where they should be safe and live a happy life.

My dog that was like a son to me. I got from an animal shelter. He had suffered abuse and moved 6 times before we got him at the age of 3. He was a nervous little bundle when we got him, but he lived till he was 15 years and he was the nicest and best family dog you can imagine. So kind and loyal and what a little cheeky monkey he was too. Beautiful and strong. I had to put him down in 2008 when he got his third stroke which was an extremely sad day. His memories lives on with me and everyone that knew him. His name was Fant and here he is.

Isn't he beautiful? I miss him so much that writing this makes me cry.

So for me it is beyond comprehension how anyone can be mean to animals. As long as they get their primary needs covered they are happy.

If you ever come across animal abuse please don't hesitate to contact RSPCA's 24-hour cruelty line 0300 1234 999. That is here in UK, but I'm sure you have similar help lines in your country. Just do a google search!


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