How to Build a New Lifestyle Abroad
Saturday, 25 January 2020
Everyone dreams of a magical lifestyle abroad. Maybe you imagine yourself strolling down a Parisian boulevard or drinking the perfect espresso in Rome. Perhaps the dazzling city lights of New York are more up your street or the cool vibes of Melbourne could be tempting.
Wherever you dream about settling down and whichever city you go for, you have to be prepared for a bit of a culture shock. It doesn’t matter how much research you do or how many holidays you have, actually living in a new place is always going to be different.
So, here are a few tips to help you settle in.
Be Wary of Homesickness
Moving to a new area is a good chance to start again, or at least discover a new side to yourself. But beware of changing too much. Completely overhauling your life in a new place can easily lead to homesickness - a craving to go back to what you know, even if it wasn't for you.
To combat homesickness, the best option is to continue with some familiar things and prepare for homesickness. So taking a Firestick with you and set up a VPN might be good so that you can watch TV from home - see for instructions. Figuring out a way to get in touch with friends and family back home is also really important.
Explore Your New Area
Just as you would explore a new city on holiday, you should start to explore your new local area. Going on a walking tour is often a good way to get to know a new city because you will start to learn the routes to various places. However, do be aware that these tours often focus on tourist spots, not necessarily the places you need to find!
One of the best ways to get to know a new city is to allow yourself to get lost. Simply going for a wander and see where you end up will help you to create a kind of map in your head, connecting the places you usually frequent. Getting lost is also one of the best ways to discover hidden locations such as bars and cafes that tourists rarely visit.
Get Involved and Make Friends
Going out to meet people can be daunting but there are plenty of opportunities in most cities. Going to classes, frequenting the same cafes or bars and getting to know the people around you is a good start. You could also start to build your friendship group by inviting friends of friends. This is actually a great way to meet like-minded people if you are shy because everyone will be pre-vetted!
Building a new lifestyle won’t happen unless you are willing to put yourself out there and make new friends. It might feel weird to begin with but the more you start to integrate yourself with the local community, the more like home it will feel. But the best advice is to simply take your time to adapt.