My mum as my fashion ideal.

My mum as my fashion ideal.

Has your mother had any influence on how you dress? I mean do you and your mum share the same style or is it completely different?

My mum passed away in 2010 and I miss her so much. She was perhaps not my fashion icon, but we certainly had things in common. My mum was a vivid and bold woman. She was never scared to wear big bold patterns and she loved big bold jewelry. I remember as a child I always thought my mum looked so strong and beautiful. She had long curly hair and she always had bright red lips and red nails. I remember she set her hair every night, something I can't be bothered to do. She painted her nails and the smell of nail polish remover is something that is set strong in my mind. She had powder, mascara and lipstick in her handbags and as a child her handbag was like a treasure chamber. Not only was there make-up, she also loved as I said bold jewelry. She bought jewelry quite often and this was another thing that fascinated a 5-6 year old Mookie.

Now over 30 years later it is me that is wearing the bright make up and jewelry and bold colours. I couldn't be without all of it. And that is something I think has come from seeing my mum being so strong and not at all scared to stand out in a crowd, cause she really did.
Sadly I don't have any photos of my mum with make up or jewelry as I have lost almost everything of old photos since I have been moving so much. It is very sad, but I have the memories that lives strong in my head and heart.

Do you think that your mum has inspired you in the way you dress now? If so how?

Mookie xxx

Fashion Love/Hate

Fashion Love/Hate

You’ve probably had a few things that you have been trying to like, but you just can’t? And then you have the trusted same things that you wear all the time as they makes you feel so comfortable. Everyone has got things they love and hate and I’m no different. So I thought I would share my top 3 love/hate things with you.


  1. Cardigans. I love cardigans. Summer, winter, thick or thin, plain or patterned I love them all. I have at least 30 cardigans in my wardrobe and I always wear them. In the summer more as a cover up when it isn’t too warm worn with cute dresses etc. In the winter more as a layering item to keep cosy and warm. I try to get into wearing coats more as I think they look so stylish and pretty, but I never seem to get on with them. I have a few in my wardrobe, but always seem to return to my thick and cosy cardigans. 8 out of 10 times I do. My favourite cardigan right now is this one from Simply Be. It is on my Christmas List!
  2. Dresses. I always wear dresses and have always worn them. Ever since I was little I loved dressing up in cute dresses. It made me feel like a princess and it still does. I try to wear more jeans and trousers, but I can’t get on with them. I really dislike it. I don’t feel as feminine as I like when I wear trousers. My dream dress right now is this little beauty from Simply Be.
  3. Leggings. I live in leggings. They are the most comfortable item ever! Not only do they keep my legs warm in winter, they are stretchy and look good with dresses and skirts or long tunics. I love wearing a short skirt and boots with leggings. Makes me feel stylish without looking too frumpy. I have tried lots of different leggings, but I keep returning to the best ones I have ever had. 2 pack of leggings from Sainsburys. Yes, I mean it. Sainsbury’s leggings are superb. They are stretchy and really comfortable. Made of a fairly thick material that doesn’t sag. No saggy knees with these ones. And the price is only £10 for two in a pack so you can’t go wrong.My favourite leggings these days is the one I wear in the photo under. It is from Forever 21. 


1.      Oil Cloth Handbags. I really really hate these with a passion. There seem to have been an explosion in these handbags lately, both a very well know brand and lots of cheaper copies. I think these are so nasty looking, they just look so cheap. I don’t mind the pattern that is on most of these handbags, but it is something with the fabric that makes me scream with anger inside when I see them. It is almost so if I have to seek therapy to get over my aggression.
2.      Jeans. I really hate jeans. They are tight, uncomfortable and I feel restrained when I wear them. Over the years I have been desperately trying to get into liking them, but it can’t seem to happen. I do have to admit. I do like the Super Soft Jeans from New Look, they are so soft and comfy like a pair of jeggings so I do like them. Please bring in more of these very comfortable jeans New Look, they are perfect for us fattys.
3.      Thights. Aren’t tights a real pain??? I think so. Or at least I used to think so before I found the ones I use now. They never had enough room for my big tummy and they always rolled down so I had to keep pulling them up all the time. It annoyed the **** out of me until I found the perfect tights. I found this little company from Cornwall called Big Bloomers Company and they have tights that cater for bigger women. Up till size 42! So I wrote to them and the lady there kindly sent me two pairs to review here on my blog. As soon as I tried them on I realized that these tights were different. They were so elastic and I couldn’t believe how comfortable they were. I have since made a new order on more tights as they have them in colours as well, so I’m a very happy customer. But overall I’m not a big fan of tights!

There were a couple of items that almost made it to the hate list. These are leather jackets and high heels… I never seem to get on with leather jackets. They look great and I have several, but I rarely wear them, so I might sell them at the Christmas Market in London in December.  High heels is another thing that I can’t wear. I love heels and they look awesome, but due to health problems I can only wear flat shoes. I wear heels sometimes in the office, but never heels over 3”.

What are your love/hate things in fashion?

XXX Mookie

Your Beauty Discovery Box.

Your Beauty Discovery Box.

I'm not only into fashion. I'm into beauty too and love make-up, skin care and other beauty items.
I have seen different kind of boxes you can subscribe to and after thinking which one to go for my choice was Your Beauty Discovery Box. It is the same concept as other boxes, you register to become a member and each month you go in and chose your items(2 items pr box) from a selection and it get sent to you in a very cute box.

Based on the price of £6.95 a month I think it is a good selection things you get in every box. 
I just got my second box and I have been very happy with both of them so I thought I would show you what I got in the boxes.



I haven't tried any of the products apart from the hand cream yet, which I love. It is a really nice consistency and it doesn't feel sticky. I find some hand creams very heavy and I hate having sticky hands so in the past I have rather had dry hands than sticky so this hand cream have become a favourite of mine. I have seen Crabtree and Evelyn products around before, but never tried them. After my experience with this one I will give more products a try too.

I will write more later about the rest of them when I have tried them. Looking forward to trying the lipstick!!! It is from Face Stockholm. Nude is a new experience for me so it will be fun trying it, maybe to a red dress??

Do you get any of these boxes in the post? What do you think?

30x30 Second week update.

30x30 Second week update.

The second week of 30x30 is over and it has been a up and down week for me. Have felt very week with my dizzyness and headaches, but it has been a good week as well as I have had a lovely weekend, but exhausting weekend.

Over the week I have been able to wear my 30x30 clothes for every day apart from Monday when we had significant people in the office so we had to dress more office appropriate so I couldn't wear any of my picks.

I really enjoy this challenge and it makes me think different and we are not halfway yet, so it will be fun to see what we end up with at the end of the month.

Here is what I have worn over the week.


Was wearing items 2,5 and 23

Wearing items 1 and 8

Wearing item 19 and 30


Wearing item 7, 12 &27


Wearing item 8,16 and 25


I took a few photos, but now they have disappeared! But I post some photos that I took while visiting a museum that shows some of what I was wearing. I was also wearing my Dorothy Perkins skirt number 26.

Wearing items 16, 23 and 26

I still have lots of items to wear that I haven't worn yet, but that will be my challenge this week.

How are the othe girls getting on with their challenges?


Just another blogging challenge-Christmas is coming.

Just another blogging challenge-Christmas is coming.

It  is the first time I'm partisipating in this challenge and I'm very honored to be let in it. :) The beautiful Toni accepted my question about joining, so here is my first contribution.

This time we were asked to write about the forthcoming Christmas.

Since I'm not the biggest fan of Christmas I thought I could share with you how I'm planning on celebrating Christmas this year. Alternative Christmas for definite as I'm going to Spain.
Me and my hubby have been celebrating both Norwegian and English Christmas the four Christmases we have celebrated together. Mike is more traditional when it comes to Christmas than me. I have never been used to celebrating Christmas that extensivly as my family was very relaxed and did not have a big celebration. My parents are sadly dead, so no big ties to Norway either, so this year we decided to go away for the holiday.

Mike's sister has got a house in Spain so we are going there to just have a bit of a different Christmas. I don't think we will be doing much of it out there really. We will probably be having a barbeque on Christmas Eve in the garden and make lovely food together, opening some presents together that we have brought with us and if the weather permits it maybe go to the beach for a long walk or sunbathing. On Christmas Day we will be going out for a Christmas Meal. We will just have a very low key Christmas, so not the most exciting to write about.

However, since we are going out for the meal on Christmas Day a lady needs a show stopping outfit, so here are the items I have lusted for so far.

And just to end off this post I post some traditional Norwegian Christmas pictures. (Norwegian Christmas is quite similar to English, but if you want to learn more about it please check out Wikipedia's article about it HERE)

Typical Norwegian Father Christmas called Julenisse

It's very common to sing carrols and walk around the Christmas Tree
Norwegian Lunch Table
Norwegian Christmas Food
Norwegian Christmas Cakes
Norwegian Christmas Decorations
Norwegians put out a bowl of porridge for the Julenisse

Go take a look how the girls in the challenge celebrate their Christmas.

How do you celebrate Christmas? Do you like Christmas or don't you care?