New Year Celebrations On A Budget
Sunday, 18 December 2016
A Guide To The Top Methods To Save Money On A New Year Celebration
Despite having spent a great deal of money on Christmas celebrations, you find you have yet to fund another large celebration immediately after - the New Year celebration. Planning an outing or throwing a party to celebrate Christmas can be damaging to your budget; however, it is possible to avoid such a situation allowing you to see in the New Year without having to break the bank. This article acts as a guide highlighting some of the best ways you can use as a means of saving money for your New Year bash.
The Different Ways To Save Money On A New Year Celebration
Below are some top tips that will assist you in saving money instead of spending in on a New Year celebration:
1. Online Shopping
Christmas is the time where most of the stores offer various types of deals. You can get best of out of it by shopping on black Friday or Cyber Monday. You can take benefit of online deals as well by using discount codes sites like which help in saving money on your online order.
2. Using Second-hand Stores
While it may sound exceptionally frugal to many people, shopping at second-hand stores can be highly beneficial when trying to save money. Thrift stores, flea markets, and garage sales are useful when looking to purchase items that are value for money while spending a small amount of cash. Contrary to popular belief, using second-hand stores for purchases are not only for individuals who have restricted budgets; it is a situation where you are able to buy intriguing items without wasting funds.
3. Making Handmade Gifts
One of the best ways to save money during the New Year season is by giving people handmade gifts. Buying each individual a different gift can be expensive; therefore, if you have enough time available, it is recommended you consider making homemade presents and save some money. In addition to being a money-saver, creating these homemade gifts can be enjoyable and is a useful method to bring family members together for a day of crafts and happiness.
4. Hosting Your Celebration
It is common practice for people to head out for New Year and go to parties at different establishments; however, this can be costly and a weight on your bank balance. One means to avoid this problem is to consider hosting your own celebration instead of going out for the night. It is important to note that if you choose to host a party you will need to prepare for the event, in a frugal way of course. Decorations can be obtained by purchasing party supplies in bulk, at dollar stores, or by creating your own.
5. Avoiding The Bar Area
It is possible that friends will choose to go to a club or restaurant for the New Year's Eve celebrations dragging you along for the event. If you find yourself in this situation, there is a chance that you will need to pay for certain items; however, this does not mean you need to spend large amounts of money. It is recommended you offer your friends the option of having "pre-drinks" at your home and avoiding the bar before heading to the clubs. This can reduce the amount of money spent on drinks and possibly admission fees for different venues.
6. Complete Some Research
It is always recommended that you conduct some research into the various restaurants and clubs before heading off on your New Year celebration. Research can be completed using the internet, street ads, newspapers and restaurant brochures. The reason you should do this research is to find any possible New Year discounts where you can save money on the modified fees. It is common for restaurants to offer a flat fee for meals during these events, you can also enter competitions and look to see what you can claim for free stuff & UK free sample websites.
7. Host A Child's Party At Home
Children's parties can be extremely costly due to the need for various decorations, entertainment and a mass of gifts. Many individuals opt to take children to external venues to avoid having to complete all this planning. By hosting the child's party at home, you will save money and reduce the chance of any teenaged children getting into trouble. To ensure your teenage children enjoy their home-based New Year event, it is recommended you plan certain activities such as makeovers or junk food fests.
8. Frugal Celebrations
Various cities embrace the frugal celebratory lifestyle and offer their communities low-cost public celebrations. If your area arranges shows, such as a New Year's Eve fireworks event, it is recommended you attend these with friends and children. Family movie nights are also beneficial as they help children stay out of trouble while enjoying a cost-effective New Year's Eve celebration with the family.
9. Staying In The Local Area
While some individuals often choose to head out of town for their New Year celebration, there is nothing wrong with remaining in your home area. It may be possible to enjoy an evening at a local hotel if you feel the need to change your scenario; however, staying in the community reduces the cost of travelling and saves money to a great degree.