Hello everyone.
I'm Anne-Lise, Norwegian living in UK, plus size happy and proud.
I'm 5'6 and I am a size 20/22 bottom and a size 24/26 on top. Shoe size 6 or 7 depending on brand.
Who am I?
-Anne-Lise aka Mookie
-Very happily married to Mike
-size 20-24(24-26 on top, 20/22 bottom)
-Plus sized, fat and proud
What I like
-fashion -football
-music(punk, new wave, indie, alternative)
-gigs -travelling
-geography -history -politics
-arts and crafts
-photography -animals
-red, blue and mint green
-animal print -internet
-40's and 50's style
-singing -swimming
- red lips/bright lipstick
- pin ups -polkadots
-cardigans -dresses
Here are 100 random facts about me in case you want to know more about me;)
I've loved travelling since I was a child and vivid are the memories from my childhood when I went gold panning with my dad in the deepest and most wildest forest in Finnish Lapland or when we saw and ate bear meat in Sweden. I travelled with my dad every summer from I was 8 till I was 18. It was summers filled with excitement and adventures.
Since growing up I've travelled more and more and so far I've been to countries/independent states.
Since moving to the England I have started "collecting" counties I have been in and so far this is how my map looks like :)
Green- visited
Pink- still to visit
I'm Anne-Lise, Norwegian living in UK, plus size happy and proud.
I'm 5'6 and I am a size 20/22 bottom and a size 24/26 on top. Shoe size 6 or 7 depending on brand.
Who am I?
-Anne-Lise aka Mookie
-Very happily married to Mike
-size 20-24(24-26 on top, 20/22 bottom)
-Plus sized, fat and proud
What I like
-fashion -football
-music(punk, new wave, indie, alternative)
-gigs -travelling
-geography -history -politics
-arts and crafts
-photography -animals
-red, blue and mint green
-animal print -internet
-40's and 50's style
-singing -swimming
- red lips/bright lipstick
- pin ups -polkadots
-cardigans -dresses
Here are 100 random facts about me in case you want to know more about me;)
- My favorite food is pizza.
- I live in Guildford, but I grew up in Lofoten in the Northern part of Norway, above the Arctic Circle that is;)
- I am a huge football fan!
- I have lived in three countries apart from England. Norway, Canada and Portugal.
- My husband and I try to make everyday a little bit special. Like a mini holiday by doing something nice every evening. That can be watching a movie, going out for a drink, having a picnic outside in the winter, making a mix cd together and so on.
- I am a bargain hunter. I am one of those who always go to the sales rack first.
- I have a masters degree in Political Science.
- I used to be a singer in a rock band.
- My favorite place in the whole world is everywhere by the sea. I'm an ocean girl.
- I am an only child.
- I met my husband Mike online.
- I love macaroni and cheese and I have even invented my own healthier recipe so I can have it more often.
- I love geography and as a child I prefered to read and look in atlases than children books. Still today I find great joy in looking at maps and reading facts on rivers, mountains, countries etc.
- I sleep with a heart shaped stone that my husband found for me on a beach.
- I used to bite my nails. But I broke the habit two years ago.
- I love strength exercising, just that my social anxiety puts a big stop to it as I'm terrified to go to the gym.
- I love blueberries.
- I don't drink hot drinks, apart from the very occasional hot chocolate.
- I am bisexual and been in relationships with women.
- I'm allergic to dogs, although I absolutely LOVES dogs:(
- I was originally going to study astronomy!
- I love boating. I really want a boat!!
- I could move and live in different countries every year. I'm a nomade.
- I'm always happy. I smile a lot.
- I LOVE photography and also being in front of camera.
- I whistle all the time when I'm at work. Mainly the same songs over and over... (must be annoying for my colleagues, but they haven't said anything so far. )
- I love cuddling. Could cuddle all day long!
- My least favorite chore is tidying! Can't stand it. Give me the washing up anytime!
- I love animals.
- I am a vegetarian. Not because I don't want to kill animals, but I dislike meat with passion. Hate the taste, hate the texture and hate the smell.
- I'm wearing a hearing aid(I have reduced hearing and tinnitus)
- I love my pale skin.
- My most used app on my phone Instagram. I'm an Instagram addict.
- My favourite band is Manic Street Preachers (with Placebo, Young Knives and The Damned as the runner ups).
- I used to have hundreds of penpals when I was younger and write looooooooooooooooooooong letters.
- I have minor road rage even if I don't drive myself.
- I am very childish and love being silly.
- I got married in a red dress to honor my dead parents as both of them loved red. Red is one of my favourite colours too.
- I love red nails and lips. So classic and beautiful.
- I hate comedy shows apart from South Park.
- I carry around throat lozenges everywhere cause I panic if I am on a bus or train or similar and get a coughing fit.
- I am deathly afraid of spiders. Serious arachnophobia. I will hyperventilate if I see a spider.
- I'm allergic to grass, but love going to the park for a picnic.
- My favorite colours are mint green, blue and red.
- My favorite season is spring.
- My favorite season as far as clothes goes I don't have any as I love the autumns with thick clothes and boots, but love the summer with light summer dresses and sandals.
- My lucky number is 7.
- I hate being in big groups, but I also hate being alone. Love the company of a few people.
- My favorite TV shows are Come Dine With Me, Coast, South Park and Road Wars.
- I am addicted to reading news.
- Chris Cornell is my favourite singer. I love his voice!
- My favourite country is Germany.
- My favourite movie is Napola. Love German movies.
- My childhood school only had 16 pupils at the most.
- I wanted to be a figure skater as a child although I never skated until I grew up.
- I can't get enough dresses. I buy new ones all the time.
- I hate wine.
- I wish I could travel for a living.
- I love to learn new languages. I know a few and a bit from a few more.
- I love staying up at night.
- I used to do athletics when I was a teenager.
- I love gigs and loud rock clubs.
- My husband is nine years older than me, although he looks really young for his age.
- I rarely drink alcohol, but when I drink I tend to get very drunk.
- I'm right handed.
- I dislike horror movies.
- I have my phone with me everywhere I go. I'm addicted to it.
- My favourite online retailer is ASOS.
- I have Swedish, German and Sami ancestry.
- When I was a kid, I was told that if I was wearing anything white when the Northern Lights were showing it would come and get me. I was terrified of the Northern Lights for years... stupid old people scaring me like that.
- I have one daughter.
- I don't collect anything.
- I am scared of the dark.
- I have worn glasses since I was 10.
- Gossip Girl is my guilty pleasure show. Maybe because I really fancy Blake Lively! ;)
- I really hate talent shows like X-factor and The Voice.
- I travel at least 6 times every year! I need to. It's in my blood.
- I love ice cream.
- My favorite board game is Risk. I love strategy. Trivial Pursuit and Scrabble are up there too.
- I love roller coasters. But lots of them I'm too big boobed to do as they have a chest limit and mine is too big:(
- My dream job is to have a travel show on tv.
- I love swimming.
- I am both theoretical and crafty.
- I used to be in a brass band as a child and I hated it.
- I will stop to pet any dog that I see walking on the street even if I'm allegic!
- My closet is overflowing and yet I never know what to wear.
- I love street markets.
- I quit every single instrument I tried to learn(trumpet, piano and guitar)
- I'm a very caring person.
- I hate mushrooms.
- I wish I was taller although I'm 5'6.
- I have had several other blogs before.
- I have had a very intimate piercing and really want it again.
- I love make up, but love make up free days too.
- I'm a waxing person, nit shaving. It's a chore to shave so I wax instead.
- I talk easily to strangers that I meet.
- When I moved to Guildford it was the first time in my life I lived away from any big body of water. Even when I lived in Toronto I had huge Lake Ontario next to me so didn't miss the ocean so much.
- I did not swim until I was over 30.
- My dream vacation is to go to Bora Bora.
- I have a really hard time falling asleep at night. I can't shut my brain off!
I've loved travelling since I was a child and vivid are the memories from my childhood when I went gold panning with my dad in the deepest and most wildest forest in Finnish Lapland or when we saw and ate bear meat in Sweden. I travelled with my dad every summer from I was 8 till I was 18. It was summers filled with excitement and adventures.
Since growing up I've travelled more and more and so far I've been to countries/independent states.
- Noway
- Sweden
- Finland
- Denmark
- Germany
- Netherlands
- Belgium
- Switzerland
- Austria
- France
- England
- Scotland
- Wales
- Spain
- Italy
- Slovenia
- Croatia
- Poland
- Lithuania
- Monaco
- Greece
- Cyprus
- Czech republic
- Slovakia
- Egypt
- Canada
- U.S.A
Since moving to the England I have started "collecting" counties I have been in and so far this is how my map looks like :)
Green- visited
Pink- still to visit
Not bad eh? Mike and I love to travel around on little holidays in between our other holidays and England is so compact so you get to most places within a few hours drive so we can easily go somewhere after work on a Friday. :)
hello beautiful lady.
ReplyDeleteI love you and your gorgeous body, great size and lovely thickness. you are so cute and hot and sexy.
I love your photos and your dressing.
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