Do you consider your blog a hobby? Or maybe it has become so big that it is a full time job? No matter how you see your blog if you interact with brands and people in the industry you're writing about business cards are a must. You will soon find the need to get yourself some business cards as you WILL be asked for it when you go to events, go to shops, meet fellow bloggers, liaise with brands or meet up with new people that are curious to read your blog.
When I first started out my blog last August I never thought I would put this much time and effort into my blog. I thought it would be something I would quickly become tired of and quit doing. But I have surprised myself! I have got quite addicted to blogging. It's been so much fun involved that has kept me going. I know I'm still fairly a new blogger in terms of being a blogger, but for me it is a big achievement to actually consistently do something for so long and actually think about how I can develop my blog instead of giving up as I have done with so many things in life before.
I had some business cards made back in January, but I wasn't completely happy with them. Here is how they looked.
After I changed my domain I needed some new ones as it is a lot of fun events ahead and I wanted to point to my correct domain instead of telling everyone that I have changed it. It wouldn't make me look very professional would it? Mike kindly offered to pay for my business cards so I started designing them. I chose one of the pre made designs as I liked it so much, added a photo of myself and changed the colours a bit. Here is the result. I love them!
When I first started out my blog last August I never thought I would put this much time and effort into my blog. I thought it would be something I would quickly become tired of and quit doing. But I have surprised myself! I have got quite addicted to blogging. It's been so much fun involved that has kept me going. I know I'm still fairly a new blogger in terms of being a blogger, but for me it is a big achievement to actually consistently do something for so long and actually think about how I can develop my blog instead of giving up as I have done with so many things in life before.
I had some business cards made back in January, but I wasn't completely happy with them. Here is how they looked.

They are very me. Colours are kept simple and monochrome apart form the red on my lips and the red writing. They look classy, elegant and slightly vintage which was what I wanted so I'm so chuffed with them.
What do you think? Do you like my new business cards? Do you have business cards yourself?

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