Bad Rhino Blogger Search- Calling All British Plus Size Male Bloggers!

I've been a plus size blogger for four years now and it's been so much fun. There were quite a lot of plus size bloggers in the UK already when I started. And since I started it has been an explosion in the number of plus size bloggers there is around. Something that truly is fantastic as it's amazing seeing all these women embracing their bodies and pushing their boundaries when it comes to fashion.

However, when it comes to male plus size fashion bloggers there are very very few around. That is why Bad Rhino is looking for a big and tall male plus size blogger to work with on a monthly basis. Bad Rhino cater for men up to a size 8XL so they are really size inclusive and their clothes are trendy and stylish. So if this is you, if you're already a plus size blogger from the UK, or if you are a big and tall man who want to start your own fashion blog maybe now is the time to do it? Start to inspire other plus size men out there. Why not give it a go as I have had some amazing times in the four years I've been doing this. Get in touch with them via the link here Bad Rhino .


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